Important updates you need to know
There are a number of benefits of the FAFSA simplification act, 包括更精简的申请流程和更好的FAFSA用户体验, expanded eligibility for federal student aid, and reduced barriers for certain student populations (e.g., homeless and unaccompanied youth, incarcerated students, English language learners, and students from low-income backgrounds).
Some fundamental changes include, but are not limited to:
- The FAFSA will be shorter and more user-friendly.
- The FAFSA will reduce the maximum number of questions from 108 to 46. 由于智能跳过逻辑以及表格与联邦所得税申报表的更好对齐,一些学生将需要回答更少的问题. 这种精简的格式将简化申请过程,使学生和他们的家庭不那么令人生畏..
Student may now list up to 20 colleges to receive FASFA information.
Applicants will be required to use the IRS Direct Data Exchange.
以前, 用户可以选择手动输入他们的税务信息或使用IRS数据检索工具. Beginning with 2024-25, FAFSA的所有人员必须同意教育部直接从国税局接收税务信息或确认非申报状态. 这一变化使完成FAFSA更容易,并减少了需要回答的问题数量.
All "Contributors" must provide financial information.
在2024-25年的fafsa中引入了一个新术语——贡献者,指的是任何需要在学生表格上提供信息的人(如父母/继父母或配偶)。. 学生或家长在FAFSA上的回答将决定哪些贡献者(如果有的话)需要提供信息. 投稿人将收到一封电子邮件,通知他们已被确认为投稿人,需要使用自己的FSA ID(如果没有,则创建一个)登录,以提供学生FAFSA所需的信息. 作为一个贡献者并不意味着他们要为学生的教育费用承担经济责任, 但这确实意味着投稿人必须提供有关FAFSA的信息,否则申请将不完整, and the student will not be eligible for federal student aid.
The Student 援助 Index (SAI) is replacing Expected Family Contribution (EFC).
在新的FAFSA中,一个值得注意的术语更新是用学生资助指数(SAI)取代了“预期家庭贡献”(EFC)一词。. 这个名称更准确地描述了用于确定援助资格和资格的数字, 不像EFC,the SAI may be a negative number down to -1500.
The number in college will not be used to calculate SAI.
以前, FAFSA计算了在EFC上大学的家庭成员的数量, dividing it proportionately to determine federal aid eligibility. Beginning with the 2024-25 FAFSA, the application will still ask how many household members are in college, but your answer will not be calculated into the SAI. 像这样, 在大学里有兄弟姐妹的本科生可能会看到他们的联邦援助资格发生变化.
Some students will automatically be awarded the Pell Grant
家庭收入低于联邦贫困线的175%和单亲家庭收入低于联邦贫困线的225%,他们的学生将获得最高的联邦佩尔助学金. 最低佩尔助学金将保证给家庭收入低于275%的学生, 325%, 350%, or 400% of the poverty level, depending on household structure. Pell awards between the maximum and minimum amounts will be determined by SAI. The FAFSA will be available in more languages Currently, the FAFSA is only available in English and Spanish. 2024-25年的应用程序将扩大到包括英语学习者及其家长最常用的11种语言.
For dependent students, 在过去的12个月里,与学生住在一起最多的父母需要提供财务信息. With the new FAFSA, 为学生提供最多经济支持的家长需要提供财务信息.
虽然FAFSA正在接收更新,并且援助资格计算已经修改, there are several aid-related matters that will not change.
- 每年的联邦和州财政援助仍需要FAFSA来考虑.
- 决定你的父母是否必须完成FAFSA的抚养状态问题将保持不变.
- The FAFSA will still request tax information from the prior-prior year, which means you'll report 2023 income and assets on your 2025-26 application. 收入大幅减少的家庭可以考虑提出上诉.
- The questions regarding an applicant's gender, 比赛, 种族对联邦学生资助资格没有影响,仅用于统计目的和数据收集. In fact, won't even receive this data from the FAFSA.
免责声明: 财政援助办公室致力于为学生提供及时的更新,家庭, and our community. Due to the significant number of changes that are occurring, 对于2025-26学年,我们网站的部分内容可能还不是100%准确. 当我们从教育部和联邦学生援助处收到更多信息时,我们将继续更新此页面, 感谢你们的耐心等待,因为我们正在努力实施FAFSA简化法案带来的变化.
- June 30, 2025: Deadline to submit summer aid request
- August 3, 2025: Last day to submit loans for summer
- August 15, 2024: Fall 2024 disbursements begin
- August 24, 2024: Fall classes begin
- 2024年12月1日:2025-2026年免费申请联邦学生援助(FAFSA)将可用
- January 2, 2025: Spring 2025 disbursements begin
- January 3, 2025: Deadline to submit SAP appeal for Spring 24
- March 1, 2025: ODU FAFSA Priority filing date
ODU将在4月1日左右开始向初步符合条件的学生发放2025-26助学金. 访问 and bookmark the financial aid page 的更新.